10 New Year's Resolutions That Aren’t Going to the Gym
10 New Year's Resolutions That Aren’t Going to the Gym

With the new year right around the corner, we know goal setting is likely in full swing. As you’re deciding on what to focus on this year and orienting your goals to the end result, try to think a little outside of the box. Skip the cliches and head straight for a goal or two that are really geared toward making you happy.
Pro tip: find a safe place to write all of your goals down on paper. Make the goals specific and measurable so you can periodically check back in and see your progress.
Idea One: Pick a New Hobby
Interested in something you’ve never dared try before? Go for it in 2019! I come from a long line of great artists but I don’t have an artsy bone in my body… except for I do — because I’ve always had a secret desire to paint. Last year I threw all inhibitions aside and bought a book and some paints. I’m no Monet but I love it and it makes me happy.
Idea Two: Cook-off
Too many people write themselves off as bad cooks after one or two snafus in the kitchen. If you want to release your inner chef this year though — we say go for it! Give cooking a try and give yourself the chance to make a few mistakes along the way. It’s part of the process. Make a goal to cook something new once or twice a month, or just to cook at all once a week.
Idea Three: Indulge
My New Year’s resolution last year? Eat more whipped cream. Whipped cream makes me so happy, it’s inexpensive, and since I’m a big believer in intuitive eating, calories aren’t counted in my house. By giving myself permission to indulge I was literally happier. New Year's resolutions don’t just have to be about crunches, they can be about happiness too.
Idea Four: Book Worm
Reading a book a month seems simple but it’s hard to always make the time. Set a goal and make a list at the start of the year and give yourself 20 minutes a day. Unless you’re planning on only reading heavy classics, that should be enough time to read your way through the year happily.
Idea Five: Get Cultured
Maybe try something new in the realm of culture this year. Set a goal to try something new in this realm (think museums, art shows, symphonies, etc) one a month. This is a fun challenge that opens you up to new experiences and may just ignite a passion.
Idea Six: Learn a Little
I teach voice lessons and I’m here to tell you that even adults enroll. If there’s a skill or trade you want to learn, take lessons. Find someone to teach you and work on perfecting your new talent throughout the year.
Idea Seven: Health
Challenge society’s idea of what “healthy” looks like and take the time to find out what being healthy looks like and feels like for you personally. Maybe your version of healthy spends hours at the gym, maybe it doesn’t. Maybe healthy to you includes essential oils and vitamins and supplements and maybe it doesn’t. There’s no right answer or one way to live. Set a goal to really find out what works for you.
Idea Eight: Wardrobe Revamp
I work at a clothing company — of course, I think there are clothing related resolutions! Make a goal to clean out your closet, try clothes you’ve been afraid to try, start a capsule wardrobe or shop smarter. If your a sashimi fiend a clothing centric goal might just keep you motivated the full 12 months.
Idea Nine: Mental Wellness
Just like with physical health, mental health looks different for everyone. Not everyone suffers from a mental illness but every single one of us has mental health that needs to be tended to just like physical health. Set a goal to learn more about mental wellness and implement the resources in your life that you need to stay mentally healthy.
Idea Ten: Get Social
If your as selectively social as I am, it can be hard to reach out and spend time with friends. Last year I made a goal to go out with our couple friends as a couple every month and to spend one on one time with my own friends at least once a month. Making it a goal gave me the jumpstart I needed to revive relationships.
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